Lily Nibelung

"I am the daughter of the Shroud, and the instrument of my goddess."

A devout follower of the goddess Nophica, this kind botanist elicits feelings of comfort and warmth to those who would share in her company. Yet there is far more than meets the eye to this gentle woman. A secret heritage, ties to an ancient legend of the past, and more are all waiting to be discovered by those who would introduce themselves to the beautiful Hyur.

Open to all walk-up RP
Lily is a part of the Legatum Mysteria organization.


Name: Lily Nibelung
Age: 25
Race: Midlander Hyur
Gender: Female
Nameday: 28th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Relationship: Married to Zozola Zola
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Conjurer, Botanist, Alchemist

+ Nurturing | Serene | Sweet | Selfless | Humble
- Gullible | Anxious | Worrywart | Frail | Indecisive

Beautiful, ethereal, and with an aura of peace surrounding her, it is difficult not to notice Lily when she is nearby. She is typically garbed in lighter colors such as white robes or light pink dresses. Her long flowing blonde hair reaches down to her shoulders and beyond, the golden locks in stark contrast to the more muted colors she tends to wear. Her sapphire eyes are normally bright and cheerful, and it's hard not to have a better day when you're around the enchanting Hyur.
Seldom without a sincere smile for everyone she meets, Lily's adornments reflect her positive outlook on life. Flowers adorn her hair, and other similar symbols are usually reflected in her choice of jewelry.

Animals | Plants | Drawing | Art | Helping | Healing
Wanton Suffering | Aetheryte Travel | Secrecy | Arguments
OutlookProtective and loving of her inner circle, Lily is a sweetheart who focuses most of her attention on easing the burdens of those around her. Often seen as a motherly figure to the younger members of her organization, Lily has embraced her role - providing what succor and peace she can. A powerful healer whether by using conjury or alchemy, she often volunteers in the Medical Ward, providing relief to those suffering.

Lily's own circumstances are shrouded in mystery, and those who spend time learning more about the Hyur's life are stunned by what they discover... a woman with ties to an ancient legend.


Nophica's Chosen
Lily is a devout follower of the patron of Gridania, and is capable of powerful conjury with her blessing. Happy to provide healing to the sick and injured, Lily has been known to treat an incredible range of physical and mental maladies with spell and potion.

Master of Botany
Having spent the majority of her life honing her craft with plantlife, Lily can brew just about any sort of potion one could need. Her arboretum contains a multitude of plants and ingredients... and odds are if you need a specific reagent... she has it.

Child of Gridania
If you've grown up in Gridania, and are around Lily's age range, you might have vague memories of her as that "weird child" or the "animal girl".

Legatum Mysteria
A member of the Free Company known as the Legatum Mysteria, this free company specializes in safeguarding the secrets of Eorzea... and beyond. Often alongside many extraordinary individuals with unique talents, Lily has earned her own reason for being in such unique company...

Spark of Light
Those with aethersight would not have trouble seeing the vibrant white aether that permeates the young woman's body. In fact, this aether is so pure and rich, clearly something extraordinary must be going on here...

Legends Past
The Third Umbral Calamity (also known as the Calamity of Fire) was said to have been a conflagration without peer. The Shroud did not escape this calamity unscathed, and legends speak of the Great Tree Yggdrasil that was lost in the ensuing disaster. Few are the texts that remain to detail Yggdrasil's legend, but a recently discovered tome unearthed in Sharlayan's forbidden library speak of the legend of the primal Odin and his priestess lover Yggdra. Scholars who've had a chance to view this book would draw striking similarities between depictions of Yggdra and the appearance of a certain Hyur botanist...


I'm open to roleplaying with just about everyone - Veteran or novice RPer alike. I adore walkups and will do my best to reply. Feel free to whisper me if I don't reply, I may have missed your message in the chat scroll.I only have three real notes about my roleplay:Firstly - I am open to just about any sort of collaboration or introduction, including mature and dark themes... but please clear anything dramatic with me beforehand so I can prepare and make sure the idea is a good fit for both of us!Second - Please respect the IC/OOC boundaries. While I am open to the idea of character romance (and it is my favorite trope!), it is important to distinguish between IC and OOC. I am happily married IRL, and trying to push anything that happens between Lily and your character into an IRL context is the swiftest way to ensure I never want to roleplay with you again.Third - I generally try to stay lore compliant in a public setting to avoid breaking anybody's immersion. FFXIV has a very rich lore, but I am also a firm believer in the 'rule of cool'. Lily's backstory in particular is a bit of creative interpretation of the Third Umbral Calamity and some information on what we know about the Primal Odin. The Legatum Mysteria typically has plots that touch on some of the vaguer bits of lore and interpret them. If you prefer only to deal in absolutes in lore, please note that prying into Lily's backstory may not be the greatest fit for you. Otherwise, I absolutely love when others try to learn more about my characters and I will attempt to return the favor of your own character's history!


This section describes some storyline details for potential hooks/walk-up RP.
Standard - Information that a skilled information gatherer could learn with the right contacts.
Hidden - With the right circumstances and a vested interest in Lily, one could eventually discover clues to these... if they are lucky.
Top Secret - Very few people know this information, please ask before using in RP.


Marshal's Daughter - Lily is the daughter of Serpent Marshal Kelvothan Nibelung and his late wife Cecilia Nibelung. Kelvothan's opinion of his daughter is strained, and the two do not have a positive relationship. Some believe this stems from Lily's failed stint with the Wood Wailers, but others whisper it has to do with Cecilia's death.Vibrant Aether - Lily's aether is incredibly strong and potent. This enables the Hyur to perform feats of healing that others can only marvel at. On the downside however, this makes her an attractive target for those who covet such strong aether such as voidsent.


Shackles in Obsidian - For a brief time, Lily's body was overtaken by a voidsent succubi known as Lydaea. Usurping the woman's free will and chaining her in a mental prison that took the form of an obsidian prison, Lydaea attempted to destroy and consume her friends. She was rescued by her lover Zozola and other members of the Mysterium before Lydaea's plans could come to fruition, but the mental trauma of the ordeal lingers. As a result, Lily bears a strong distrust and resentment towards anybody void-aligned.Miracle Worker - Lily witnessed the death of one of her best friends, a Viera named Daerin at the hands of a dark mage known as Koyano. In the moment, the trauma of the incident awakened a power within Lily that allowed her to call Daerin's soul back from the Lifestream and resurrect her. This incredible act was without precedent, but it also seemed to awaken something long dormant within the Hyur... a manifestation that would have dire consequence down the line.

Top Secret

Daughter of the Shroud - Lily's mother Cecilia was pregnant with Lily when she became a Padjal. This unprecedented moment was kept well hidden by the Padjali of Gridania for fear of the upheavel this would cause. When Cecilia gave birth, her health rapidly worsened and resulted in her death only a year after Lily was born. While Lily initially did not manifest Padjal traits, this changed after her miracle performed on her friend Daerin. Now she harbors a small pair of sprouting Padjal horns that she keeps well hidden beneath her hair. Though not a true transformed Padjal, Lily is nevertheless the product of one... and manifests many of their attributes.The Legend of Yggdra - Many centuries ago, there lived a priestess named Yggdra who worshipped the goddess Nophica. Aware of the danger of the imminent Third Umbral Calamity of Fire, Nophica would ask Yggdra to make the ultimate sacrifice and become the vessel for a great tree to protect the Shroud. Yggdra accepted the responsibility much to the chagrin of her lover Odin, and became the tree Yggdrasil with a fragment of Nophica's power... a massive tree that towered over even the largest trees in the Shroud. Odin, overcome with grief, made a pact with Nophica to protect this tree with his life... and became the immortal guardian of the Shroud.When the Third Umbral Calamity came, Yggdrasil burned despite Odin's best attempts to protect it... and the knight died alongside the ashes of the tree that had once been his lover. From these ashes life grew anew... and the torched Shroud would survive the Calamity of Fire thanks to Yggdra's sacrifice. Haunted by his failure, Odin too would be reborn, but the grief-stricken knight became twisted into a force hellbent on protecting the Shroud against any who dared walk it. The Elementals too were born from the fragments of Yggdra's spirit, coalescing into the myriad forms that now populate the Twelveswood.Chosen of Nophica - While Cecilia was pregnant, Nophica imbued her babe with the fragment of the largest elemental, Driade. This act caused Cecilia to transform into a Padjal while still pregnant and subsequently give birth to Lily. The reason for this act by Nophica was so that eventually Lily could serve the same role that Yggdra did... to become the next reincarnation of the great tree Yggdrasil in the Shroud. In a sense, Lily is the reincarnation of Yggdra and harbors a small divine spark of Nophica herself. Still far from any sort of divinity however, Lily is fragile and vulnerable... and Nophica has tasked her companions with protecting her so that she can one day fulfill her duty. Though Lily has accepted her role as the future guardian of the Shroud, secretly she carries a small degree of guilt for foisting this burden upon her friends and especially her lover Zozola. Nevertheless, when Lily passes away, she will sprout as the second Yggdrasil to watch over the Shroud forevermore. Of course, this divine mission carries consequences in of itself... especially when it comes to those who would seek to steal the essence of divinity for themselves.....